

Our mission is to create a platform that helps people around the world organising events and simplifying the decision making process.

We protect your personal information using industry-standard safeguards.
We may share your information with your consent or as required by law, and we will always let you know when we make significant changes to this Privacy Policy.

Maintaining your trust is our top priority, so we adhere to the following principles to protect your privacy:
•    We protect your personal information and will only provide it to third parties: (1) with your consent; (2) where it is necessary to carry out your instructions; (3) as reasonably necessary in order to provide our features and functionality to you; (4) when we reasonably believe it is required by law, subpoena or other legal process; or (5) as necessary to enforce our User Agreement or protect the rights, property, or safety of EzyVote, our users and the public.
•    We have implemented appropriate security safeguards designed to protect your information in accordance with industry standards.
This Privacy Policy applies to and the EzyVote mobile application and all other EzyVote websites, apps, developer platforms and other products and services (collectively the “Services”). We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time, and if we make material changes to it, we will provide notice through our Service, or by other means so that you may review the changes before you continue to use our Services. If you object to any changes, you may close your account. Continuing to use our Services after we publish or communicate a notice about any changes to this Privacy Policy means that you are consenting to the changes.

1. What information we collect

1.1. Data Controllers

Our Privacy Policy applies to any Member or Visitor. We collect information when you use our Services to offer you a personalized and relevant experience, including growing your network and enabling business opportunities.

The personal information provided to or collected by our Services is controlled by Sharenation Limited, 42 Leeward Court, Asher Way, E1W 2JZ London. If you have any concern about providing information to us or having such information displayed on our Services or otherwise used in any manner permitted in this Privacy Policy and the User Agreement, you should not become a Member, visit our websites, apps or otherwise use our Services. If you have already registered, you can close your accounts

We collect your personal information in the following ways:

1.2. Registration

When you create an account with us, we collect information (including your name, email address, and password).

To create an account on EzyVote, you must provide us with at least your name, email address and a password and agree to this Privacy Policy, which governs how we treat your information. You may provide additional information during the registration flow to help you build your profile and to provide you more customized services (for example: language-specific profile pages, updates, content, more relevant ads etc.). You understand that, by creating an account, we and others will be able to identify you by your EzyVote profile. We may also ask for your credit card details if you purchase certain additional services.

1.3. Profile Information

We collect information when you fill out a profile. A complete EzyVote profile that includes personal details helps you get found by other people for opportunities.

1.4. Customer Service

We collect information when you contact us for customer support.

When you contact our customer support services, we may have to access your messages, Groups and other contributions to our Services and collect the information we need to categorize your question, respond to it, and, if applicable, investigate any breach of this Privacy Policy. We also use this information to track potential problems and trends and customize our support responses to better serve you. We do not use this information for advertising.

1.5. Using the EzyVote Sites and Applications

We collect information when you visit our, use our mobile applications, and interact with advertising on and off our Services.

We collect information when you use (whether as a Member or a Visitor) our websites, applications, our platform or other Services. For example, we collect information when you view or click on ads on and off our Services, perform a search, import your address book, join and participate in groups, participate in polls, install one of our mobile applications and share articles on our Services. If you are logged in on, or another Service or one of our cookies on your device identifies you, your usage information and the log data described in Section 1.10 of this policy, such as your IP address, will be associated by us with your account. Even if you’re not logged into a Service, we log information about devices used to access our Services, including IP address.

1.6. Using Third-Party Services and Visiting Third-Party Sites

We collect information when you use your account to sign in to other sites or services, and when you view web pages that include our plugins and cookies.

You allow us to receive information when you use your account to log in to a third-party website or application. Also, when you visit a third-party site that embeds our social plugins  we receive information that those pages have loaded in your web browser. If you are logged in as a Member when you visit sites with our plugins, we use this information to recommend tailored content to you. We will use this information to personalize the functionality we provide on third-party sites. Our retention of this data is addressed in Section 3.2. We may provide reports containing aggregated impression information to companies hosting our plugins and similar technologies to help them measure traffic to their websites, but no personal data.
You also allow us to receive information about your visits and interaction with the sites and services of our partners that include our cookies and similar technologies, unless you opt out. If you are not a Member, we rely on the online terms between you and our partners.

1.7. Cookies

We use cookies and similar technologies to collect information.

As described in our Cookie Policy, we use cookies and similar technologies, including mobile application identifiers, to help us recognize you across different Services, learn about your interests both on and off our Services, improve your experience, increase security, measure use and effectiveness of our Services, and serve advertising. You can control cookies through your browser settings and other tools. By visiting our Services, you consent to the placement of cookies and beacons in your browser and HTML-based emails in accordance with this Privacy Policy, which incorporates by reference our Cookie Policy.

1.8. Advertising Technologies and Web Beacons

We use advertising technologies and web beacons to collect information. We give you a number of ways to opt out of targeted ads, including through the Ad Choices icon shown with any ads we serve on third-party sites. If you do not want us to track your behavior on third-party sites, you can opt out. If you do not opt out, you consent to our use of beacons and other advertising technologies.

We target (and measure the performance of) ads to Members, Visitors and others both on and off of our Services through a variety of ad networks and ad exchanges, using the following, whether separately or combined:
•    Advertising technologies on and off of our Services, like web beacons, pixels, ad tags, cookies, and mobile identifiers as permitted by mobile platforms;
•    Member-provided profile and contact information and categories
•    Information inferred from a Member‘s profile;
•    Your use of our Services and log files generated as described in Section 1.10;
•    Information from 3rd parties (e.g. advertising partners, publishers and data aggregators) which we use in addition to the information from our cookies (and similar technologies), your profile and use of our Services.
We do not share your personal information with any third-party advertisers or ad networks for advertising without your separate permission. Note that, as described in Section 2.6, your profile is visible to other Members and through public search depending on your settings. Also, advertising partners may associate personal information collected by the advertiser directly from you with our cookies and similar technologies. In such instances, we contractually require such advertisers to obtain your explicit opt-in consent before doing so.
We may show you sponsored content in your network update stream (NUS), which will be designated as sponsored content and will behave like other NUS updates. If you take social action (for example, if you “like” or “comment” on the sponsored content), your action may be seen by your network and other Members who are shown the sponsored content after you have acted on it.
We adhere to self-regulatory principles for interest based advertising. If you wish to not receive targeted ads from most third party companies, you may opt-out. Please note this does not opt you out of being served advertising. You will continue to receive generic ads or targeted ads by companies not listed with these opt-out tools. You can also opt out specifically from our use of cookies and similar technologies to track your behavior on third party sites.

1.9. Log Files, IP Addresses, and Information About Your Computer and Mobile Device

We collect information from the devices and networks that you use to access our Services.

When you visit or leave our Services (whether as a Member or Visitor) by clicking a hyperlink or when you view a third-party site that includes our plugin or cookies (or similar technology), we automatically receive the URL of the site from which you came or the one to which you are directed. Also, advertisers receive the URL of the page that you are on when you click an ad on or through our Services. We also receive the internet protocol (“IP”) address of your computer or the proxy server that you use to access the web, your computer operating system details, your type of web browser, your mobile device (including your mobile device identifier provided by your mobile device operating system), your mobile operating system (if you are accessing EzyVote using a mobile device), and the name of your ISP or your mobile carrier. We may also receive location data passed to us from third-party services or GPS-enabled devices that you have set up, which we use to show you local information on our mobile applications and for fraud prevention and security purposes. Most mobile devices allow you to prevent real time location data being sent to us, and of course we will honor your settings.
In the case of our Android apps, you will be provided notice of the types of data (e.g. location) that will be sent to us. If you choose to use our app after this notice, we process this data to enable registration or preview product features for you. If you choose not to become a Member, we will delete this information.

1.10. Other

We are constantly innovating to improve our Services, which means we may create new ways to collect information on the Services.

Our Services are a dynamic, innovative environment, which means we are always seeking to improve the Services we offer you. We often introduce new features, some of which may result in the collection of new information. Furthermore, new partnerships or corporate acquisitions may result in new features, and we may potentially collect new types of information. If we start collecting substantially new types of personal information and materially change how we handle your data, we will modify this Privacy Policy and notify you in accordance with Section 4.3.

2. How we use your personal information

2.1. Consent to EzyVote Processing Information About You

You agree that information you provide on your profile can be seen by others and used by us as described in this Privacy Policy and our User Agreement.

The personal information that you provide to us may reveal or allow others to identify aspects of your life that are not expressly stated on your profile (for example, your picture or your name may reveal your gender). By providing personal information to us when you create or update your account and profile, you are expressly and voluntarily accepting the terms and conditions of our User Agreement and freely accepting and agreeing to our processing of your personal information in ways set out by this Privacy Policy. Supplying to us any information deemed “sensitive” by applicable law is entirely voluntary on your part. You can withdraw or modify your consent to our collection and processing of the information you provide at any time, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the User Agreement, by changing your account settings or your profile on EzyVote , or by closing your EzyVote accounts.

2.2. EzyVote Communications

We communicate with you using EzyVote messaging, email, and other ways available to us. We may send you messages relating to the availability of the Services, security, or other service-related issues. We also may send promotional messages to your EzyVote inbox. You can change your email settings at any time.

We communicate with you through email, notices posted on the EzyVote websites or apps, messages to your EzyVote inbox, and other means available through the Services, including mobile text messages and push notifications. Examples of these communications include: (1) welcome and engagement communications - informing you about how to best use our Services, new features, updates about other Members you are connected to and their actions, etc.; (2) service communications - these will cover service availability, security, and other issues about the functioning of our Services; (3) promotional communications - these include both email and messages (messages are only delivered to your EzyVote inbox), and may contain promotional information directly or on behalf of our partners. These messages will be sent to you based on your profile information and messaging preferences. We track the open rate of your messages to provide your messages acceptance score. You may change your email and contact preferences at any time by signing into your account and changing your EzyVote  email settings. You can also opt out of promotional messages by sending a request to EzyVote Help Center.
Please be aware that you cannot opt out of receiving service messages from us.

2.3. User Communications

With certain communications you send on our Services, the recipient can see your name, email address, and some network information.

Many communications that you initiate through our Services (for example, an invitation sent to a non-Member) will list your name and primary email address in the header of the message. Messages you initiate may also provide the recipient with aggregate information about your network (for example, how many people are in your network). Other communications that you initiate through the Services, like a request for an introduction, will list your name as the initiator but will not include your personal email address contact information. Once you have connected with an individual, regardless of who sent the invitation, your contact information will be shared with that individual.
We use automatic scanning technology to help protect you and other Members. Such technology checks links and other content in your messages, network updates and Group contributions to help us identify and block malicious links and malware, reduce spam and optimize the delivery of our Services.

2.4. Service Development; Customized Experience

We use the information and content you provide to us to conduct research and development and to customize your experience and try to make it relevant and useful to you.

We use information and content that you and other Members provide to us to conduct research and development for the improvement of our Services in order to provide you and other Members and Visitors with a better, more intuitive experience and drive membership growth and engagement on our Services and to help connect professionals to economic opportunity.
We also customize your experience and the experiences of others on our Services. For example, when you sign in to your account, we may display the names and photos of new Members who have recently joined your network or recent updates from your connections and companies you follow. We try to show you content, such as news and presentations that is relevant to you. We also use Members information and content for invitations and communications promoting our Services that are tailored to the recipient.

2.5. Sharing Information with Affiliates

We share your information across our different Services, among companies in the EzyVote family.

We may share your personal information with our affiliates (meaning entities controlled by, controlling or under common control with EzyVote) outside of the EzyVote entity that is your data controller as reasonably necessary to provide the Services. You are consenting to this sharing.

2.6. Sharing Information with Third Parties

Any information you put on your profile and any content you post on EzyVote may be seen by others.
We don’t provide any of your non-public information (like your email address) to third parties without your consent, unless required by law, or as described in Sections 2.6 and 2.14 of this Policy.
Other people may find your EzyVote profile information through search engines (you can choose which parts of your public profile are accessible to public search engines in your settings), or use services like Twitter in conjunction with your EzyVote account.

We offer a “public profile” feature that allows you as a Member to publish portions of your profile to the public Internet. This public profile will be indexed and displayed through public search engines when someone searches for your name. You may choose the parts of your profile that search engines index or completely opt out of this feature in your EzyVote account settings. However, third-party search engines may not automatically update their caches, which may contain old public profile information. Unless you delete them, your profiles on and our corresponding app are always viewable on the respective Services.
The visibility of your profile to other Members depends on your degree of connection with the viewing Member, the subscriptions they may have, their usage of the Services, access channels and search types (e.g. by name or by keyword). For example, first degree connections can see your full profile and contact information. Others have more limited access, as detailed in our Help Center.
We do not rent or sell personal information that you have not posted on our Services, except as described in this Privacy Policy. We will not disclose personal information that is not published to your profile or generated through engagement with our other services, except to carry out your instructions (for example, to process payment information) or unless we have your separate consent, unless we have a good faith belief that disclosure is permitted by law or is reasonably necessary to: (1) comply with a legal requirement or process, including, but not limited to, civil and criminal subpoenas, court orders or other compulsory disclosures; (2) enforce this Privacy Policy or our User Agreement; (3) respond to claims of a violation of the rights of third parties; (4) respond to Member service inquiries; or (5) protect the rights, property, or safety of EzyVote, our Services, our Members, Visitors, or the public. See Section 2.14 for additional details about our compliance with legal requests for information.
We support middleware providers that offer archiving solutions to firms subject to legal and regulatory archiving requirements, which, with your permission, facilitate the archiving of your communications and other activity by a third party for compliance purposes. Content distributed through our sharing features and third-party integrations may result in displaying some of your personal information outside of our Services. For example, when you post content to a Group that is open for public discussion, your content, including your name as the contributor, may be displayed in search engine results.
Also, if you have opted to bind any of your Service accounts to your Twitter, Facebook or other similar account, you can easily share content from our Services to these third party services, in accordance with your account settings (which you may change at any time) and respective policies of these third parties. Further, we allow third parties to look-up profile information (subject to your privacy settings) using your email address or first and last name information through its profile API (see Section 2.7. below).
Third parties (for example, your email provider) may give you the option to upload certain information in your contacts stored with us onto their own service. If you choose to share your contacts in this way, you will be granting your third party provider the right to store, access, disclose and use your these contacts in the ways described in such third party's terms and privacy policy.

2.7. Polls and Surveys

We conduct our own surveys and polls and also help third parties do this type of research. Your participation in surveys or polls is up to you. You may also opt out of getting invitations to participate in surveys.

Polls and Surveys may be conducted by us, Members, or third parties. Some third parties may target advertisements to you on the results page based on your answers in the poll. We or third parties may follow up with you via messages regarding your participation unless you have opted out of receiving messages messages. We may use third parties to deliver incentives to you to participate in surveys or polls. If the delivery of incentives requires your contact information, you may be asked to provide personal information to the third party fulfilling the incentive offer, which will be used only for the purpose of delivering incentives and verifying your contact information. It is up to you whether you provide this information, or whether you desire to take advantage of an incentive. Your consent to use any personal information for the purposes set forth in the poll or survey will be explicitly requested by the party conducting it. You may opt out of participating in surveys by changing your settings to stop receiving these inquiries and requests.

2.8. Compliance with Legal Process and Other Disclosures

We may disclose your personal information if compelled by law, subpoena, or other legal process, or if necessary to enforce our User Agreement.

It is possible that we may need to disclose personal information, profile information, or information about your activities as a Member or Visitor when required by law, subpoena, or other legal process, whether in the United States, Ireland, or other jurisdictions, or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies; (2) enforce the User Agreement, investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations, or protect the security or integrity of our Service; or (3) exercise or protect the rights, property, or safety of EzyVote, our Members, personnel, or others. We attempt to notify Members about legal demands for their personal information when appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law or court order or when the request is an emergency. In light of our principles, we may dispute such demands when we believe, in our discretion, that the requests are overbroad, vague or lack proper authority, but do not commit to challenge every demand.

2.9. Disclosures to Others as the Result of a Change in Control or Sale of EzyVote

If there is a change in control or sale of all or part of EzyVote, we may share your information with a third party, who will have the right to use that information in line with this Privacy Policy.

We may also disclose your personal information to a third party as part of a sale of the assets of EzyVote Corporation, a subsidiary, or division, or as the result of a change in control of the company or one of its affiliates, or in preparation for any of these events. Any third party to which we transfers or sells our assets will have the right to continue to use the personal and other information that you provide to us in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy.

2.10. Service Providers

We may employ third parties to help us with the Services

We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Services (e.g. maintenance, analysis, audit, marketing and development). These third parties have limited access to your information only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated to EzyVote not to disclose or use it for other purposes.

2.11. Data Processing Outside Your Country

We may process your information outside the country where you live.

We may transfer your information and process it outside your country of residence, wherever EzyVote, its affiliates and service providers operate.

3. Your Choices & Obligations

3.1. Rights to Access, Correct, or Delete Your Information, and Closing Your Account

You can change your EzyVote information at any time by editing your profile, deleting content that you have posted, or by closing your account. You can also ask us for additional information we may have about your account.

You have a right to (1) access, modify, correct, or delete your personal information controlled by EzyVote regarding your profile, (2) change or remove your content, and (3) close your account. You can request your personal information that is not viewable on your profile or readily accessible to you (for example, your IP access logs) through EzyVote‘s Help Center. If you close your account(s), your information will generally be removed from the Service within 24 hours. We generally delete closed account information and will de-personalize any logs or other backup information through the deletion process within 30 days of account closure, except as noted below.
Please note: Information you have shared with others (for example, through messages, network updates, content sharing, or Groups) or that others have copied may also remain visible after you have closed your account or deleted the information from your own profile. Groups content associated with closed accounts will show an unknown user as the source. In addition, you may not be able to access, correct, or eliminate any information about you that other Members copied or exported out of our Services, because this information may not be in our control. Your public profile may be displayed in search engine results until the search engine refreshes its cache.

3.2. Data Retention

We keep your information for as long as your account is active or as needed. For example, we may keep certain information even after you close your account if it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this agreement.

We retain the personal information you provide while your account is in existence or as needed to provide you services. We may retain your personal information even after you have closed your account if retention is reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes between Members, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce this Privacy Policy and our User Agreement. We may retain personal information, for a limited period of time, if requested by law enforcement. Our Customer Service may retain information for as long as is necessary to provide support-related reporting and trend analysis only, but we generally delete or de-personalize closed account data consistent with Section 3.1., except in the case of our plugin impression data (i.e., the information that you visited on sites carrying our social plugin, but which you did not click on), which we de-personalize within 7 days (although we do maintain 30 days worth of webserver logs for security, debugging, and site stability purposes only) by creating aggregate data sets that cannot be traced back to individuals.

4. Important Information

4.1. Minimum Age

You have to meet EzyVote’s minimum age requirements to create an account.
Visit our Safety Center for tips on using EzyVote smartly and securely.

As described in Section 2.1 of the User Agreement, persons must be of Minimum Age to use EzyVote.

4.2. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We will notify you when we change this Privacy Policy.

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we make significant changes in the way we treat your personal information, or to the Privacy Policy, we will provide notice to you on the Services or by some other means, such as email. Please review the changes carefully. If you agree to the changes, simply continue to use our Services. If you object to any of the changes to our terms and you no longer wish to use our Services, you may close your account(s). Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account. Using our Services after a notice of changes has been communicated to you or published on our Services shall constitute consent to the changed terms or practices.

4.3. California's Shine the Light Law

We don’t share any of your personal information with third parties for direct marketing.

California Civil Code Section 1798.83, known as the “Shine The Light” law, permits our customers who are California residents to request and obtain from us a list of what personal information (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year and the names and addresses of those third parties. Requests may be made only once a year and are free of charge. Under Section 1798.83, we currently do not share any personal information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

4.4. Security

We take privacy and security seriously and have enabled HTTPS access to our site (turn on HTTPS), in addition to existing SSL access over mobile devices. Also, please know that the Internet is not a secure environment, so be careful and select strong passwords.

We have implemented security safeguards designed to protect the personal information that you provide in accordance with industry standards. Access to your data on our Services is password-protected, and data such as credit card information is protected by SSL encryption when it is exchanged between your web browser and the Services. We also offer secure https access to the website. To protect any data you store on our servers, we also regularly monitor our system for possible vulnerabilities and attacks, and we use a tier-one secured-access data center. However, since the Internet is not a 100% secure environment, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information that you transmit to us. There is no guarantee that information may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards. It is your responsibility to protect the security of your login information. Please note that emails, instant messaging, and similar means of communication with other Members are not encrypted, and we strongly advise you not to communicate any confidential information through these means. Please help keep your account safe by using a strong password.