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Easily create events with EzyVote

Are you looking to organise a week-end with friends, a family holiday, a birthday party and need  to ask participants their opinion a date, a place or an activity? EzyVote makes it easy.

Organise your event in a few clicks, ask as many questions as you want and let the participants vote. No more group chats, spreadsheets and headaches, all you need to organise your event is in one place. 

Share your event with your friends

All done? Now that you have created your event, you can share it via any messaging apps (Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal, Facebook,...) and even via text message.

When you invite people to participate, they can vote on each question, add their own suggestions and keep an eye on the results.

You will be updated once a day by email so that you can keep track of new votes and suggestions. 

Every information at the same place

All you need to do now is sit back, relax, and follow the results of your event in real time in one place. 

Need to add a question or proposals? No worries, log back in and edit your event in a few clicks. Organising events has never been so easy!

So what are you waiting for? Create an event now with EzyVote!